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The Village of Algonquin, IL

Welcome to the website for the Village of Algonquin!

Willoughby Farms Park Master Plan Project

The Village of Algonquin is developing a comprehensive master plan for Willoughby Farms Park. A master plan is a comprehensive, long-term planning document that outlines the vision, goals, and strategies for developing, managing, and improving a park facility. It is a roadmap for future park design, land use, facility development, recreational programming, environmental conservation, and community engagement. The purpose of the master plan is to ensure that the park meets the community’s current and future needs while preserving natural and cultural resources.


Willoughby Farms Park, 2001 Wynnfield Drive, Algonquin, is a 12-acre community park developed in 1996. The park features a playground, baseball diamond, basketball court (which converts to a seasonal ice skating rink), tennis/pickleball courts (reconstructed in 2023), walking trails, a parking lot, and a surface water pond.

The Village adopted a Comprehensive Parks and Recreation Master Plan in 2021, which will serve as the guiding policy framework for developing and managing this park. As a community park, the site is expected to feature amenities that attract visitors from both the immediate neighborhood and the community at large, fostering a unique and inclusive public space destination for all.

Project Schedule (Tentative)

  • October 2024:  Project Kick-Off
  • November 9, 2024:  Community Open House
  • November 2024:  Online Survey and Stakeholder Interviews
  • December 2024:  Conceptual Design Development Begins
  • March 19, 2025:  Community Concept Design Review Meeting
  • April 2025:  Final Master Plan Approval


Please contact the Village Manager's Office if you have any questions regarding this project.